Call for Papers

ATISA IX: Contexts of Translation and Interpreting

Biennial Conference of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association

Keynote Speakers:

  • Sherry Simon (Concordia University)
  • Federico Federici (University College London)

Over the past decade, shifts in disciplinary focus, such as the “sociological turn”; in historical circumstances, marked by international conflict, globalization and mass migration; and in material conditions, especially as they relate to technological advances and the increasing availability of new technologies, have given “context” a new salience in Translation and Interpreting Studies.This has led scholars in the field to address the concept at a theoretical level while also digging deep into specific institutional, professional, historical and socio-cultural contexts of translation and interpreting. In addition, scholars have challenged the Eurocentric and professional focus of traditional models by exploring translation and interpreting in non-Western, non-national, and non-professional contexts, as well as contexts of language teaching and learning. This conference aims to provide a forum for a discussion of the latest research on contexts of translation and interpreting as well as the various theoretical and methodological issues related to such research. Conference papers may address but need not be limited to the following topics:

  • Context as it relates to technology (localization, translation memory, etc.)
  • Non-professional and specific professional and institutional contexts of T & I
  • Non-nationalist contexts of T & I (cities, empires, transnational communities)
  • T & I in contexts of conflict and urgency
  • Pedagogical contexts of T & I
  • Translation in specific publishing contexts (journals, book series, publishing houses, etc.)
  • The role of language policy in shaping the context of T & I
  • Theorizing “context” in the study of T & I
  • The role of context in the different subfields of T & I, such as Cognitive TS and Corpus-Based Studies

* Both individual paper proposals and panel proposals (3-4 papers) will be considered. Panel proposals should be submitted as a single document with the title of the panel and a brief rationale, followed by the paper abstracts.

Guidelines for Abstract Submission: Individual Paper Proposals: 200-300 words, plus references; the abstract should highlight the paper’s original contribution to the field.

Panel Proposals: 100-150-word description of the panel, highlighting the panel’s original contribution to the field, followed by 3-4 abstracts of 200-300 words each, plus references.

  • To submit a proposal, please visit the Easyabs platform for ATISA 2018 at:
  • Information regarding housing options and travel will be available shortly on the conference website
  • If you should have any questions, please contact: Brian James Baer (

Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 October 2017

Notification of acceptance: 1 December 2017

Scientific Committee: Brian James Baer, Chair (Kent State University); Miguel Jimenez Crespo (Rutgers University); Laurie Swabey (St. Catherine University)

Conference Committee: Sonia Colina (University of Arizona); Renée Jourdenais (MIIS); Christopher Mellinger (University of North Carolina at Charlotte); and Lorena Terando (University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee).